Taekwondo centre of Excellence
Taekwondo helps the individual become more confident, controlled, disciplined, respectful and patient
Focus on Taekwondo
Let us introduce our new Taekwondo Podcast for amazing interviews with all your TKD heros.
Focus on Taekwondo is a hub, a place where people come to look, listen, learn and share all things Taekwondo. After all it’s an amazing, dynamic martial art that is enjoyed by millions around the world. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or even an advanced master in the art and sport of Taekwondo
Taekwondo Class Information
Taekwondo is a Korean martial art, modern day Olympic sport and effective self defence system.
Taekwondo training and practice can improve not only physical conditioning but also helps the individual become more confident, controlled, disciplined, respectful and patient.
Contact Mark
Click any of the links below to get in touch.
Is Taekwondo for you?
Focus Taekwondo classes are for both male and females from the age of 5yrs old- classes are split by ages so to ensure the class content suits the individuals specific needs.What do you need to bring?
You can wear anything comfortable, usually leggings and a t-shirt or jogger bottoms. It is shoes off at the door for the class.
TAEKWONDO Classes at Focus
The classes cover all aspects of the martial art and the modern sport, the emphasis is on self development and self achievement. We cover most components of fitness, flexibility, strength work, speed work, cardiovascular work, endurance and ensure our athletes understand the benefits of rest/sleep and great nutrition.
Our main focus is not competition, it is learning the art of Taekwondo along side the skill of mastering the art mentally and physically – with no values there is no value.
Children as young as five will learn basic movement skills, coordination, discipline and respect for themselves their uniform and their fellow class mates.
Gaining the coveted Black Belt
Taekwondo has a clear pathway to reaching Black Belt and beyond with everyone beginning as white belt and progressing through the grades of yellow, green, blue and red belts.
There is no hard and fast rule as to how long it will take an individual to reach each belt, each participant is an individual and it is in their own respected time and effort that decides when they have achieved the required standard to progress onto the next stage of their training.
The Kukkiwon organisation, also in Seoul, Korea is responsible for Black Belt Certification and International Instructor courses.
Taekwondo Background and History
Focus Taekwondo Background
Focus Taekwondo originally called Moray Taekwondo was started in 2001 by Mr Mark Russell who now holds the Master grade of 5th Dan.
Over the many years Focus Taekwondo students have medalled or competed Nationally and Internationally including European and world championship level and also Olympic Qualifier level.
Mark is a qualified international instructor recognised by the Kukkiwon and has trained in Korea with some of the most well respected Grand Masters and masters, University teams of Kyung Hee University and KNSU (Korea National Sports University). Mark is also a qualified personal trainer and an affiliate Strength & Conditioning coach of the UKSCA, currently working with Paralympian medal winners in Elgin. See sport specific coaching for more info.
Taekwondo History
Taekwondo comes from the joining of 8 kwan (schools) in Korea. Korean Masters on April the 11th 1955 came together to form one large martial art naming it “Taekwondo” roughly translated as, “the art of hand and foot fighting”.
Taekwondo has 5 codes or Tenets that instructors teach and students should thrive to follow, these are as follows - Courtesy (Ye Ui), Integrity (Yom Chi ), Perseverance ( In Nae ), Self Control (Guk Gi ), Indomitable Spirit (Baekjool Boolgool).
Taekwondo in Sport
The World governing Body for Taekwondo is “The World Taekwondo Federation” its offices are in Seoul, korea and also Lusanne, Switzerland. The WTF are responsible for the sporting side of Taekwondo advising countries with regular G1-G4 international competitions and the organising of European and World championships and also the games at the Summer Olympics.
Taekwondo Class Timetable
Click the button below to launch the Taekwondo Class timetable.
To find out about all the activities that are on at Focus, click here to go to the FACILITIES page.
Your Taekwondo Instructor
Master grade of 5th Dan. Mark Started Taekwondo at the age of 12 achieving his Black Belt under Grand Master Kwak Jae Young 9th Dan.Marks Taekwondo journey has seen him both compete and coach Nationally and Internationally, with his own team and the Scottish National Team.
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