& Conditioning

  • Generaly improved athlete robustness
  • Speed development
  • Power improvement
  • Strength increases
Coaching in core functional lifts including olympic lifting, programme design including exercise selection

Strength and Conditioning Information

What is Strength and Conditioning?

Under the wide banner of Strength and Conditioning (S&C) the services we offer are coaching in core functional lifts including olympic lifting, programme design including exercise selection, sets and reps and if required a Functional Movement screen.


Click any of the links below to get in touch.


01343 540240

  • Is Strength and Conditioning for you?

    For all sports and well being a good strength base is essential to improve and help you achieve your goals. So if you’re looking to get strong (don’t worry ladies you won’t get big!) then our S&C sessions are where to start.

  • What do you need to bring?

    Wear loose or stretchy clothing, flat training shoes or if you have them weight lifting shoes.

Why Strength and Conditioning?

S&C gives you the ability to play sports well, train harder, recover quicker and prevent most injuries. In particular the advantages are;

  • Power improvement
  • Speed development
  • Strength increases
  • Generaly improved athlete robustness